Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Health & Social Care Strategic Plan 2018 - 2021


Mr Robert McCulloch-Graham gave an overview of the content of the report and spoke of the five drivers for the review.


Mr Colin McGrath referred to page 8 of the plan and sought clarification on the identity of the services provided in locally based hubs. Mr McCulloch-Graham advised that all of the delegated services were listed in the appendices.


Further discussion focused on: the layout of the document; inclusion of hyperlinks in a paper based report; structure of Joint Staff Forum feeding into the IJB via the Strategic Planning Group; co-production; and use of #yourpart.

Mr John McLaren on behalf of the Joint Staff Forum asked that an update be given to the Forum on Buurtzorg.


Mr Tris Taylor recalled a previous conversation in regard to the use of language around involvement of service users and how prescriptive it had been. He noted the revisions within the document were more laudable, however he felt the content remained paternalistic. He suggested the document undercut itself and had not been created in full co-production, although some areas of it had been co-produced. He suggested there appeared to be difficulties in pursuing citizen participation, and remained concerned although Scottish Borders was a relatively healthy region in Scotland the vision in the Strategy did not demonstrate that and he remained concerned that the document was not consistent all the way through and he was unable to support it as a strategy.


Mr McCulloch-Graham disagreed with Mr Taylor’s comments and commented that in order to manage the demand on services there was a need for a different relationship with citizens to set out what the services would provide and what the citizen was expected to do. He advised the population was being asked to engage on the strategy through the #yourpart campaign.


Mr Taylor suggested his point was that in the #yourpart campaign the missing link was the ability of the citizen to suggest a better way of utilizing buildings, delivering services and coming up with solutions for local and regional services to meet their health and wellbeing needs. He suggested such a change would lead to a more meaningful and better citizen participation experience.


Mr John Raine noted the Board was asked to ratify the refreshed Strategy and he was content to do that, however he noted that one of the key principles was to reduce health inequalities and he was unsure that the Plan detailed enough on how that would be achieved. The previous plan had set out actions for reducing health inequalities which had been fairly broad and if the IJB was to make a difference in tackling inequalities then it should have an element of target within the strategy. That would also enable the IJB to commission services to achieve greater equality and outcomes.


Cllr Shona Haslam commented that conversations were on going with local communities about health and wellbeing through the Area Partnerships of the Local Authority.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD delegated to the Chair and Chief Officer to review the reporting structure and agree whether a revised structure be included in the Plan.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD ratified the refreshed version of the Strategic Plan subject to the potential revision of the reporting structure chart and with the dissent of one Board member.


The HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD agreed the proposal to launch the plan as part of the SBC #yourpart campaign in August 2018.



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Scottish Borders Council

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