Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item



Mr Robert McCulloch-Graham gave an overview of the content of the report and highlighted his attendance at the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee which had focused on partnership performance and the determination of set aside budgets.


Mr Malcolm Dickson enquired in regard to technological solutions if as CGI was the strategic partner for the Local Authority, would the IJB be obliged to follow that strategic partner or could it direct to go to the open market. Mr McCulloch-Graham advised that whilst there was no requirement to stay with CGI there would be potential benefit in continuing with CGI in terms of the size of contract that the Council had with them. Mr Murray Leys commented that several of the care support systems operated were supported by CGI.


Mr John Raine enquired if Scottish Borders were an outlier in terms of delayed discharges as that had been the impression he had gleaned from Mr McCulloch-Graham’s appearance before the Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee. Mr McCulloch-Graham advised that both Scottish Borders and Lothian were outliers, with the position fluctuating. He reminded the IJB that it had been a difficult winter period with extended winter pressures across the system and in addressing the situation the IJB had commissioned the introduction of a Discharge to Assess policy, Craw Wood and Hospital to Home.


Mr John McLaren sought assurance that the NHS Borders Information Management & Technology (IM&T) department were sighted on the position in regard to the CGI contract and potential difficulties. The Chair commented that the technological strategy should underpin the 3 aims within the Strategic Plan.


Mrs Karen Hamilton enquired about the community hubs and the potential for an evaluation of them in terms of efficacy, accessibility and publicity. Mr Leys advised that an evaluation had been carried out and he would make that available.


Cllr John Greenwell welcomed the prospect of virtual clinics and supported a move in that direction.


Cllr Tom Weatherston enquired why there wasn’t a single system across the piece. Mr McCulloch-Graham advised that some systems operated across both organisations either through a portal or they had the ability to converse. Whilst the intention might be to move to a single system it would be piecemeal in its approach and he commented that Mr Raine’s suggestion of taking 3 areas as pilot areas to test and make exemplars would be a preferable approach.


Mr Tris Taylor noted that the Learning Disability Service, whilst it had been integrated for some 8 years, the staff continued to have to work across 2 different business systems and he asked if they could be empowered to work with information technology services to effect change. Mr McCulloch-Graham commented that there was a willingness in the team to effect change and decisions needed to be made at the middle management level and he gave the example of “imatter” being rolled out across the learning disability service team covering both NHS and Local Authority staff.


Mrs Jane Davidson commented that the things that frustrated the teams were often the differences in health and safety and risk assessment processes. Whilst the separate employer situation would remain irresolvable, it was the other irritations that would be addressed.


Mr Raine commented that it was easier to reconcile differences of process in the partner organisations, but was difficult to deal with the impediment of different HR practices for staff across the health and social care partnership, especially differences in pay and terms and conditions. He suggested that there was nothing on the horizon to bring any comfort to bring people in integrated services closer and harmoniously together.





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Scottish Borders Council

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