Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Draft 5 Year Revenue and 10 Year Capital Financial Plans



7.1       There had been detailed on the agenda Motions by both the Administration and the Opposition Groups and supporting papers had been circulated relating to each.  The Convener advised Members how the debate would be managed in that each Motion would be presented by the Mover.  The Mover and Seconder would then speak to their Motions and this would be followed by the debate.  At the conclusion of the debate the vote would be taken.


7.2       Councillor Haslam, seconded by Councillor Turnbull, moved:-


1.       The Conservative Independent Administration recommend approval of the 5 year revenue budget and the 10 year capital plan set out in document 10(a)(i) and in doing so ask Council to note:


·                The Administration’s budget plans include a five year revenue plan of £1.3bn and a ten year capital plan of £294m.

·                The budget builds on opportunities and improves the lives of Borderers, whatever their age. It focuses on delivering quality services, opportunities for all in a thriving economy, empowering communities and enabling people to live independently and achieve their goals.

·                This Administration are committed to investing in services to help the most vulnerable in society, both young and old, deliver improvements to our roads, build new schools and support businesses by stimulating the local economy and improving our town centres.

·                This budget also protects teacher numbers and frontline Council services, whilst also recognising that we must modernise service delivery and make efficiencies.

·                The Administration’s budget specifically proposes:

Ø   £2.1m over three years for new and improved outdoor community spaces

Ø   £0.282m for a community policing team to prevent low level criminal activity and deal with issues such as parking in our towns

Ø   £4.8m for a new specialist dementia residential facility

Ø   Over £22m investment in roads and bridges over three years, with £79m planned investment over the next 10 years

Ø   £89m to improve the school estate over 10 years

Ø   £8.3m contribution to the £41m Hawick Flood Protection Scheme

Ø   £1m to assist in delivering town centre regeneration including investment in Eyemouth and £150,000 match funding to progress a new Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS) in Hawick.


2.       On behalf of the Conservative and Independent Administration it is proposed that:

a)         Scottish Borders Council approves a band D Council Tax of £1,150.02 in 2018/19, a 3% increase on the 2017/18 charge, with revised charges applying from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 for all council tax bands as shown below.  This Council Tax being sufficient, net of government grant and other sources of income, to fund the financial plan of the Council

2018/19 Band

Proportion of Band D Tax



























b)         Scottish Borders Council proceeds to approve the revenue and capital plans as set out in document 10(a)(i).

c)         Scottish Borders Council agrees the fees and charges applicable for financial year 2018/19 as set out in document 10(a)(ii).


Councillor Haslam and Councillor Turnbull spoke in support of the Motion.  Councillor Turnbull, seconded by Councillor Edgar, further moved that the vote be taken by roll call and this was unanimously approved.


7.3       Councillor Bell, seconded by Councillor H. Anderson, moved:-


1.       The Opposition Parties on Scottish Borders Council – the Scottish National Party and the Liberal Democrat Party - recommend approval of an alternative 5 year budget for the Scottish Borders including the following principals and proposals: 

·           Scottish Borders Council upholds the key principle of fairness for all our citizens and communities;

·           Council initiates and finances a two year pilot of a Fairness Fund to address rural poverty and isolation;

·           Council initiates and finances a Cleaner Communities Initiative in conjunction with Police Scotland;

·    Council reschedules its Capital Plan as detailed in document 10(b)(i) to put more resource into school rebuilding and refurbishment;

·           Council approves the detail of expenditures and resourcing in the 5 year Revenue plan and in the 10 year Capital plan as set out in document 10(b)(i);

·           Council approves the schedule of fees and charges as set out in document 10(b)(ii);

·           Scottish Borders Council approves a band D Council Tax of £1,150.02 in 2018/19, a 3% increase on the 2017/18 charge, with revised charges applying from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 for all council tax bands as shown below.  This Council Tax being sufficient, net of government grant and other sources of income, to fund the financial plan of the Opposition Parties.

2.       On behalf of the Opposition Parties it is proposed that:

a)         Scottish Borders Council approves a band D Council Tax of £1,150.02 in 2018/19, a 3% increase in the 2017/18 charges with charges applying from 1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019 for all bands as shown below.  This Council Tax being sufficient, net of government grant and other sources of income, to fund the financial plan as set out in document 10(b)(i).

2018/19 Band

Proportion of Band D Tax



























                    The increase in Council Tax by 3% across all bands ensures that Scottish Borders Council can both continue to deliver core services and also increase investment in roads, schools, footpaths and communities, as well as providing value for money for the taxpayer.

                    For 85% of households in the Scottish Borders, this increase amounts to less than 86p per week.  For 55% of households it is equivalent 50p per week or less.  For 15% it represents an increase of between £1.05 and £1.58 per week.

                    Support through the Council Tax Reduction Scheme will continue to be available for those most in need and eligible.  The Council will also continue to provide a welfare advice service to protect the most vulnerable through the introduction of Universal Credit later this year.

b)         Scottish Borders Council proceeds to approve the revenue and capital plans as set out in document 10(b)(i).

c)         Scottish Borders Council agrees the fees and charges applicable for financial year 2018/19 as set out in document 10(b)(ii).


Councillor Bell and Councillor Anderson spoke in support of the Motion.


7.4       Members debated both Motions and further expanded on the details of proposals contained within each.  At the conclusion of the debate the roll call vote was taken as detailed below.



Councillor Paterson left the meeting during the discussion


7.5       Roll Call Vote


Motion by Councillor Haslam

Motion by Councillor Bell

Councillor Aitchison

Councillor A. Anderson

Councillor Edgar

Councillor H. Anderson

Councillor Fullarton

Councillor Bell

Councillor Greenwell

Councillor Brown

Councillor C. Hamilton

Councillor Chapman

Councillor S. Hamilton

Councillor Drum

Councillor Haslam

Councillor Laing

Councillor Jardine

Councillor Moffat

Councillor Marshall

Councillor Ramage

Councillor McAteer

Councillor Robson

Councillor Miers

Councillor Thornton-Nicol

Councillor Mountford


Councillor Parker


Councillor Richards


Councillor Rowley


Councillor H. Scott


Councillor S. Scott


Councillor Small


Councillor Tatler


Councillor Turnbull


Councillor Weatherston



There were 21 votes for Councillor Haslam’s Motion and 11 votes for Councillor Bell’s Motion.  Councillor Haslam’s Motion was therefore carried.



DECIDED to approve the Motion as detailed in paragraph 7.2 above including the Administration’s Budget as contained in the Appendix to this Minute.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

Council Headquarters Newtown St. Boswells Melrose TD6 0SA

Tel: 0300 100 1800


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