Scottish Borders Council

Agenda item

Continuation: Consider request for review of refusal of planning consent in respect of erection of micro meat processing unit and byre on land at Hardiesmill Place, Gordon. 17/00239/FUL. 17/00036/RREF.

Copies of the following papers attached:-


            With reference to paragraph 3 of the Minute of 18 September 2017 and following an accompanied site visit, the Local Review Body continued consideration of the request from  Mr Robin Tuke, per Clarendon Planning & Development Ltd, 5a Castle Terrace, Edinburgh, to review refusal of the planning application in respect of the erection of a micro meat processing unit and byre on land at Hardiesmill Place, Gordon.  In response to the request by the Local Review Body for additional information, there had been circulated a statement and associated documents provided by the applicant, and a response from the appointed planning officer.  Included was comment from the appointed planning officer on the new evidence in the form of letters of support. The papers which accompanied the request for review had also been re-circulated.  Members agreed that the accompanied site visit and additional information provided had been helpful in their understanding of the operation of the business and the setting of the development. Members recognised the positive economic benefits of the proposal both with respect to the business at Hardiesmill Place and the wider economy and also noted benefits relating to the environment and to animal welfare.  Their discussion focused on whether these benefits were sufficient to outweigh the visual impact of the unit in terms of its shape and colour and how the visual impact could be mitigated by the proposed roof structure and additional screening to both the west and east of the building.



AGREED that:-


(a)         the review could be determined without further procedure on the basis of the  papers submitted, the accompanied site visit and the additional information provided by the applicant;


(b)       the development was consistent with the development plan and there  were no other material considerations that would justify departure from the Development Plan; and


(c)     the decision of the appointed planning officer to refuse the application be  reversed and the application for planning permission be granted, subject to conditions, for the reasons given in Appendix I to this Minute.


Supporting documents:



Scottish Borders Council

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